Profile: Jessica Cohen


In this "Get to Know You" Series, we're talking with the people who make OhioX's work happen. From staff to volunteers it's a true team effort!

Jessica is the inspiration and leader behind many of OhioX’s signature events and initiatives. She was part of the founding team for Ohio Tech Day, a regular guest on OhioX media channels, and is the Co-Chair of the inaugural Ohio Trailblazers Award which recognizes the women transforming Ohio tech.

Name: Jessica Cohen

Title and Company: Director of Community Engagement, Verizon

City: Cleveland

Q: In three sentences or less, describe what your company does and your role.

Verizon is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. The company offers voice, data and video services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, security and control.  I lead our local engagement and philanthropic efforts in Ohio and partner with local stakeholders on the company’s national corporate social responsibility initiatives. 

Q: What’s a (non Ohio) tech trend that more people should be following?

Adaptive AI.  Everywhere I go, this is what people are talking about - the development of ChatGPT and the like and how industries and sectors will change as a result of its use.  This is something anyone in tech should be following and working to understand. 

Q: What’s your favorite Ohio tech story from the last year and why?

Hands down the decision to locate the Intel semiconductor plant here in Ohio.  There’s no bigger indication that Ohio really is THE state for technology and business to grow and thrive.  We are leading the development of this critical industry for the American economy and all eyes will be on Ohio as a result. 

Q: If someone is visiting Cleveland from out of town, where are you taking them for lunch?

Cleveland is home to a new BBQ restaurant - Mendel’s Kansas City BBQ.  That’s first on my list for visitors and ordering the BBQ Sundae and the smoked burnt ends is a must!

Learn more about Jessica’s work at JobsOhio by connecting with her on LinkedIn.

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