Member Profile: MetroHealth

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Company Name: The MetroHealth System

 Locations: Main Campus: Cleveland

 Industry: Health Care

 What We Do: 

We’re the public hospital system in Cuyahoga County. We’re a nationally recognized leader for population health, addressing social determinants of health, trauma and burn care, opioid treatment and physical rehabilitation. Washington Monthly and the Lown Institute recently rated us among the top hospitals in the country in rankings that consider patient outcomes, civic leadership and efficiency of care.

 What’s a Trend You’re Seeing/Prediction for the Future: 

COVID-19 has dramatically hastened a planned shift to telehealth and remote patient monitoring. We think this will improve patient access to care , but we need patients, providers and insurers to continue supporting this approach when the public health emergency ends and life returns to normal.

 A Problem/Challenge We Are Working To Solve: 

Related to the expansion of telehealth: many of our patients find it hard to afford robust Internet access or devices or they live in parts of the city where high-speed connections simply don’t exist. We are working with a broad coalition of partners to change that —in both urban and rural parts of the state.

Company Slogan:

Change is Healthy

 Why is Ohio is a great place to do business?

Hard-working people who care intensely about their communities and want to help them succeed.

For more information:

And connect with MetroHealth on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Chris Berry